About Us

Our Safety Record
Tooz Construction Inc. is proud of their safety record. We strive for safety not only for our employees, but for our entire job site. To ensure on-the-job safety, we are certified by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and our key personnel all carry "competent-person certifications" as required by Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA). All are trained in Equipment Operator and Safety by accredited personnel, and all received Safety Council accreditation for Lift Truck Operations. We also employ NCCCO Certified Crane operators. We require preemployment drug screening for all of our employees as well as conduct random drug screenings. To maintain a level of excellence and safety, all key personnel are provided comprehensive training to renew all certifications. Tooz Construction Inc. maintains a Risk Management Program for Workers Compensation and is proud to announce that we have maintained the safety discount for the past twelve years. Tooz Construction also employs a full time Safety Coordinator, Kayli Fadness, to oversee and exceed all safety regulations.